Send me a Sign

source: unknown

Before making any big decision, I always pray asking — no, let’s be honest — begging for a sign. And I know I’m not alone. Tons of other people — maybe even you — get down on their knees calling on the Almighty to send them a sign, any sign, that will show them which path to choose. But lately, I’ve been questioning that method.

Instead of asking the universe whether or not we should do something, shouldn’t we be asking ourselves?

Why do we put our life in the hands of the universe? Or in reality, some stranger, cloud or crack in the sidewalk we happen to pass that day? My guess: to displace responsibility. After all, if things turn out terribly wrong, it’s not our fault. The universe told us to do it.

But we can’t be that bad at making decisions, can we?

It should be easy. We simply need to ask ourselves: Does this feel right?

And that’s the problem. What if we don’t know? It could be right. It could be wrong. Who can tell?

We can. Deep down inside we know what feels right. We just may not want to hear the answer. But we know, and if we give ourselves a little time — and listen very, very hard — the correct answer will bubble to the surface.

But just in case, God, if you’re reading this, it’d be great if you could shoot me a quick sign.

10 Super Stylish Alarm Clocks

source: Suska and Banoo, Maple and Magnolia, Kerrisdale Design, Schappacher White

Is the alarm clock dying? There was a time when you could find alarm clocks pretty much everywhere. But now, it seems many retailers are cutting back on the number of styles they offer or eliminating them completely from their inventories.

I guess the rise of the smart phone means the fall of the alarm clock, and in its place we now have chargers and speakers with a tangle of cords.

I’ll be honest, I miss the old-school alarm. It was nice to wake up and not have work sitting within arms reach. Instead of scrolling through e-mails and to-do lists while still blurry-eyed, you could truly enjoy the sunlight and silence — maybe even some in-person laughter and communication — during those first moments of the morning.

So in homage of a simpler time, I’ve rounded up some super stylish alarm clocks perfect for your bedside table.

1. The Playful: Clocky | 2. The Beachy: Moma | 3. The Classic: Chelsea | 4. The Bomba: Little Clock Shop | 5. The Ultra-Splurge: Cartier | 6. The Splurge: Tiffany & Co. | 7. The Vintage: Big Ben | 8. The Minimal: Braun | 9. The British Invasion: Newgate | 10. The Glamour: Gump’s

Miracle Teeth-Cleaning Tool: Go Betweens


I don’t typically get giddy over dental products. In fact, I normally dread all things teeth related. But these tiny brushes are truly deserving of a little brouhaha.

You see, I have really dirty teeth. So dirty dental hygienists don’t say, “See you next year.” They say, “You really should come in again in 3 months.”

You’d think I’m just really lax when it comes to dental hygiene. But I’m not. I brush and floss after every, single time I eat. That’s right. Not just after meals. But whenever I eat. I even have a super sonic toothbrush with a special diamond head brush to get my teeth extra clean. And despite that, the plaque still builds up.

I’ve been told the condition is genetic. Some people just have the ideal saliva for plaque. What a lovely trait. And while the special toothbrush and rigorous cleaning schedule have helped, nothing has drastically improved my oral environment until I came across these wonder brushes.

They fit in-between your teeth, allowing you to scrub spots your tooth brush — or floss — misses. I’m absolutely amazed at how well they work. My teeth have never been cleaner in between dental appointments. It’s truly a miracle.

If you struggle with dirty teeth — or just want a cleaner mouth and fresher breathe, I’d suggest trying them out. They’re sold in super markets and drug stores alongside the floss. Just go easy at first. If you’re over ambitious, your gums will let you know. And yes, I speak from experience.

Turkish Towels: Peshtamals

turkish towel, peshtamal, pestemal, pestamal, hammam towel, flat weave towel
source: Bath Style

Looking for the perfect summer towel? Try a Turkish peshtamal.

I first ran across these towels when studying abroad in Wales, and to be honest, I hated them. After a lifetime of being used to the thick, cloud-like plushness of terry towels, the super-thin, flatweave of these towels seemed completely uninviting.

But after a few days, I quickly became a convert. Unlike terry towels, peshtamals dry fast — really, really fast — which makes them perfect for long summer days spent by the pool or beach. You’ll never have to worry about toweling off — or donning — a damp towel again. Plus, they’re super stylish and come in a variety of bright, summery colors.

I’ve come to like peshtamals so much, I use them from time to time as bath and kitchen towels as well.

You can find turkish peshtamals at a number of places. Just be warned, some can be a bit on the scratchy side.

  • Turkish T: Offers a super-soft Turkish towel I’ve been dying to try.
  • Bath Style: An Etsy shop that offers a wide variety of styles and colors.
  • The Anatolian: Another Etsy shop with a wide selection of Turkish towels.
  • Loovee: Another Etsy shop with a wide selection of Turkish towels.
  • Turkish Towel Village: An Etsy shop with a small, yet chic collection of Turkish peshtamals.
  • Laviva Home: A boutique store filled with tons of unique, foreign items.
  • Ella Lou: For every towel you buy, they make a donation to the Global Soap Project.
  • Nomadic Thread Society: Started by stylist Nicole Gulotta, Nomadic Thread Socitey offers a variety of unique linens.
  • Scents & Feel: Offers unique designs and color combinations.
  • Deck Towel: These amazingly large, linen towels are similar to peshtamals and receive rave reviews.

Side note: This type of Turkish towel goes by a number of names: peshtamal, pestemal, pestamal and hammam.

turkish towel, peshtamal, pestemal, pestamal, hammam towel, flat weave towel, beach towel, bath towel
source: Ella Lou, Turkish-t
turkish towel, peshtamal, pestemal, pestamal, hammam towel, flat weave towel, beach towel, bath towel, summer towel
source: Turkish Towel Village, Turkish-t
turkish towel, peshtamal, pestemal, pestamal, hammam towel, flat weave towel, beach towel, bath towel, summer towel
source: L’aviva Home, Nomadic Thread Society



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Ode to the Honey Badger

honey badger, most fearless animal, badass

We pay homage to tons of animals in our homes: ostriches, octopuses, elephants, zebras and even chickens. But the animal we should really be hanging on our walls, painting on our plates and chiseling out of stone is the little known honey badger.

And don’t let the name fool you.

Deemed “the most fearless animal in all the animal kingdom” by Guiness, the honey badger will go after anything. Literally. Just watch this video.

There is no challenge — no opponent — too great for the honey badger. In every situation, the honey badger always gives it his — or her — all, and never, ever gives up.

Talk about a reminder we could all — especially me — use on a daily basis: Be fearless. Be tenacious. Be like the honey badger. You can take whatever comes your way.


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