10 Super Stylish Alarm Clocks

source: Suska and Banoo, Maple and Magnolia, Kerrisdale Design, Schappacher White

Is the alarm clock dying? There was a time when you could find alarm clocks pretty much everywhere. But now, it seems many retailers are cutting back on the number of styles they offer or eliminating them completely from their inventories.

I guess the rise of the smart phone means the fall of the alarm clock, and in its place we now have chargers and speakers with a tangle of cords.

I’ll be honest, I miss the old-school alarm. It was nice to wake up and not have work sitting within arms reach. Instead of scrolling through e-mails and to-do lists while still blurry-eyed, you could truly enjoy the sunlight and silence — maybe even some in-person laughter and communication — during those first moments of the morning.

So in homage of a simpler time, I’ve rounded up some super stylish alarm clocks perfect for your bedside table.

1. The Playful: Clocky | 2. The Beachy: Moma | 3. The Classic: Chelsea | 4. The Bomba: Little Clock Shop | 5. The Ultra-Splurge: Cartier | 6. The Splurge: Tiffany & Co. | 7. The Vintage: Big Ben | 8. The Minimal: Braun | 9. The British Invasion: Newgate | 10. The Glamour: Gump’s

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