Help a Hero who Saved His Sister’s Life


Today, I don’t have any pretty pictures or fun products to share with you. Instead, I have a plea — a thoroughly heartfelt plea — to help a brother who saved his sister’s life from the most brutal stabbing the presiding judge had ever seen and nearly lost his own in the process.

The judge himself called it “Upsetting to the human race in general,” and after rereading the account again, upsetting doesn’t even begin to describe it.

On the night of May 6, 2011, Kelly O’Keefe’s ex-boyfriend broke into her home and stabbed her eight times in the head in addition to beating her. Hearing her screams, Danny, her younger brother, rushed to her aid. Danny was stabbed 19 times in the head, his right arm was mutilated and his spleen was lacerated.

The man who attacked Kelly and Danny had been trained in martial arts and brought a skull crusher with him.

The scene was so horrific the police and EMTs told Kathy Okeefe, Danny and Kelly’s mom, it was the worst crime scene they’d ever seen. But perhaps the most heartbreaking — and simultaneously miraculous — part of the story is they laid in puddles of their own blood for 6 to 8 hours before they were found by their father and brother thanks to Kelly’s dog who barked for 6 hours straight, waking Kelly up enough to call her mom.

The judge stated, “There was a higher power, namely God, that saved their lives.

And I believe him.

It is truly a miracle they are alive. Unfortunately, while Danny’s alive, he’s not in good shape. His injures caused him to have aphasia, a condition that makes it hard for him to talk, read or write. He can no longer use his right arm, and he walks with a limp, which is impossible for me to imagine.

I knew Danny all through high school, and spent many nights hanging out at his house listening to he and his band jam. He was your typical teenager — cocky yet sweet underneath — and he was always smiling. He went on to graduate from law school and was on his way to becoming a criminal defense lawyer.

Instead he has become a hero, and he desperately needs our help. His family can’t afford all of the therapies he needs to recover. They must raise $27,000 to cover the costs.

If we can get 27,000 people to donate $1 dollar, we’ll give Danny his life back. So please, pass this on to all of your friends. Like the Support the O’Keefe Family on Facebook. And if you can, donate a dollar — or more.

If you’d like to learn more about the incident, read Danny’s mother’s account of it. The tale is heartbreaking, and I’ve been walking around like a zombie ever since reading it.

Thank you. Sincerely, thank you for any help you can offer.

Exposed Brick Walls

source: Hooked on Houses

As the apartment hunt continues, Brent and I found an apartment with exposed brick walls that we may take. Only problem: I’m not that into brick walls. I know. Many people love them for their warm character and old charm. So I decided to round up a bunch of photos of rooms with exposed brick walls to get some decorating inspiration and see if I could be convinced. What do you think?

See 28 more examples of exposed brick walls »


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Super Chic Wall Stencils

source: Cutting Edge Stencils, Olive Leaf Stencils, Cutting Edge Stencils, Royal Design Studio, Cutting Edge Stencils, Olive Leaf Stencils

Want the look of wallpaper sans the price — ek! — or commitment? Try a wall stencil. For the cost of a can of paint, you can completely transform your room in a huge way. And don’t think floral borders are your only design options. Wall stencils have come a long, long way in the past few years, and you can now find them in a ton of amazing patterns. Ikat. Suzani. Trellis. Damask. Geometric. The list goes on and on.

The best places to find chic wall stencils are: Cutting Edge Stencils, Olive Leaf Stencils, Royal Design Studios or DIY Stencils.

I’ve been fantasizing about using a wall stencil in a powder or dining room for quite some time. But really, they’d look amazing in any room. Just check out how Carmel of Our Fifth House and Amber of Amber Interiors used wall stencils in their homes (pictured below).

If you’re not into big, bold, patterns on your walls, consider using wall stencils to create a subtle tone-on-tone look. Use the same color, only a shade or two darker or lighter, than what’s on your walls. The result will be a barely noticeable pattern that adds a sense of depth to your room.

If you want the look to be even less noticeable, use a flat paint on your walls and a gloss paint for the stencil in the same exact color. The pattern will subtly shimmer in the light giving your room a chic, jewel-box look.

And if you’re going to test out a wall stencil, be sure to use one of the brands on the list of 17 Best Interior Wall Paints. They’re all VOC free.

source: Our Fifth House, Amber Interior Design

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17 Best Paints for Your Home

source: Real Simple’s Guide to Best No-VOC Paints

Paint is the new cigarette. We assumed it was safe, but it turns out that’s not the case. More and more studies have confirmed the paint formulas we’ve used for years off gas toxic chemicals — known as VOCs — into the air.

According to the EPA, indoor air quality is 2 to 5 times worse than that outdoors. Granted, that’s not solely due to paint. Carpets, fabrics, caulk, composite wood products and vinyl floors off gas as well. But paint is one of the leading VOC venters.

Why does that matter? Like cigarettes, VOCs wreak havoc on our health. You may have experienced some of their effects while painting: headaches, nausea, dizziness, eye irritation, respiratory irritation, loss of coordination and even rashes. I know I have, and that’s only their initial effects. Studies have yet to confirm the exact extent to which they harm us; however, VOCs are known to cause damage to the liver, kidney and central nervous system, as well as cancer. So it’s best to avoid them.

Of course that brings up the all too common question: How long do paints off gas VOC? After all, if it’s only for a day or two after painting, can’t I just open the windows? No.

While there’s still controversy surrounding the amount of time paint off gasses, a number of studies are finding paints continue to off gas long after they dry. A study conducted in 1999, found less then half the VOCs in paint off gassed in the first year, and another study conducted in 2002 by the EPA found paint continued to off gas for 42 months after application.

So when it comes to choosing indoor — and outdoor — paint, your best bet is to select one that’s VOC free. Fortunately, a number of paint companies have caught on. Below, I’ve listed the best VOC free paint brands to try.

Which paint do I use? I’ve used both Benjamin Moore and Sherwin Williams with success; however, on my next round of painting, I plan on trying an even more eco-friendly version for one main reason: They’re even safer.

Just because a paint is VOC free doesn’t mean it’s toxin free. There are a number of paints that still include harmful chemicals, such as formaldehyde, and while those chemicals may not off gas, they are known carcinogens. So if you want the best paint for your health, be sure to look at the label on any paint before buying. Check to make sure it has no hazardous material warnings. Your body will thank you.

See the entire list of best paints for your home »


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Renting on Craigslist? Beware.

source: Hueystar

For the past few months Brent and I have gone back and forth over whether we wanted to build, buy or rent a home. We finally decided we were too young to settle down in the country and have decided to rent until we decide where we do want to live. But after last night’s all-too long car ride home, I’m pretty sure we both regret that decision.

Let’s rewind.

Two days ago, we found the absolute perfect rental on Craigslist. It was a cute, little cottage on a lake ideal for two people who love to paddle board. So we contacted the owner, had a few e-mail exchanges and drove over an hour to go check the place out.

A very nice man opened the front door and after introducing ourselves he furrowed his brows and asked, “Who are you again? My realtor normally tells me when potential buyers are going to stop by.”

And that’s when I knew we’d been scammed.

Turns out the listing was fake. Someone, somewhere — there are rumors swirling about Nigeria — stole the pictures of the home from its MLS listing and posted them on Craigslist along with a convincing description and irresistible price. The only clue it was a fake: there was no phone number listed.

That and the e-mail we received when we got home: “Could you please wire me your first months rent along with a security deposit?”

Yeah. It was definitely a scam, and don’t think it was the only one. Curious to see if there were more, I went searching on Craiglist this morning and found 2.

So if you’re looking for a rental on Craigslist, beware. If you don’t speak with someone on the phone, don’t waste your time going to see a place. And whatever you do, don’t wire someone money if you’ve never met or spoken with them. If you do, you’ll feel like this:

source: unknown

Good luck rental hunting! If you don’t need it, I know we will.


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